Saturday, February 22, 2014

15 things

Hey, guys! Thank you to everybody who added me on bloglovin' and twitter after I finally joined, I really appreciate it. Crazy, busy week, not always the best of times, to be honest, but I am choosing to remain happy and positive, so in today's post I'll talk about some of the recent highligts - random moments and some updates.

#1 Hockey

If you know anything about me, you know that I am 100% latvian, just living in Denmark. If you know anything about Latvia, you know, that ice hockey is joking-not-joking a religion to us. We're also very proud of our 2.3 million nation winning olympic medals, qualifying for the championships and competing with athletes from much bigger countries. Although I've been in Denmark for close to 5 years now (which is my entire adult life, given that I am only 22), this was the first time I actually gathered with other latvian expats to see the games at a pub. We made it to the quarter-finals and after a tough game and a long period of 1:1 result, we had to hand the victory over to Canada. Long story short - I really enjoyed these evenings and I hope to be much more active in the latvian community here, because I could instantly feel how amazing & different that made me feel.

#2 7:30 AM yoga

After a long break from the gym, I have been making the effort to get back to it, because I love, love, love everything about it from the way it makes me feel physically, emotionally, the people I meet, the tips I pick up, the things I learn about myself and what my body can do, it's wonderful and I will definitely keep going. Not for the bikini season, not for a big event, for me, for life, for happiness  

#3 Amazing food

Subsequently, when you become more aware of moving your body, you pay attention to what it craves and what you feed it with. Although I genuinely love healthy food and don't struggle with "staying on track", I find it hard sometimes to avoid crap. Things like tzatziki, hummus and mango to most associates with a healthy diet, but if one contains modified corn starch, the other - countless preservatives and the third has nothing to do with an actual fruit filled with vitamins, fiber and energy - I feel almost tricked into unhealthy eating. For this reason, my view on food has changed a lot within the past couple of months. I try to eat organic more often that before, I will rather cook with real, full fat butter, that a "no-stick-fat-free-zero-calorie" spray (not that I have done it before, to be honest) - but I hope you know what I mean. Real is always better.

#4 Afternoon delight

Tying in with what I have been saying - visiting my boyfriends mom and enjoying a piece of homemade nut and fruit cake with her special mix of creme fraiche, greek yogurt and vanila on the side, whilst having a lovely conversation, made me really appreciate hearty, healthy, soulful and guilt free treats like sweets and good company.

#5 Converse weather returns!

Guys, you have to understand. I've always loved Converses. I've never owned a pair until last Spring. I haven't gotten nearly enough. And then the winter came. Snow, rain, wet leaves and freezing temperatures is not exactly the perfect weather for light weight footwear. And now... slowly, slowly, the air is warming up and even though I could probably get away with wearing boots for a month or two (or three, let's be honest), I am back!

#6 Know, when to stop

I had a rough morning this week. Thing's weren't going my way, I was delayed by things that were stressing me out as it is, but weren't getting solved and now I was also getting behind the rest of my schedule. I repeat: The rest of my not really that important schedule. I mean, it hit me - who cares about your schedule other than you? You don't even have a boss to dissapoint! With that perspective, I decided that I will be a better use for myself with a calm mind and a better attitude. So I did the exact opposite of what I initially was doing which is running around, panicking. I walked into a mall, picked up a magazine (a rare splurge for me), ordered myself a Starbucks vanila latte, sat down and used some good 30 min to catch a break. It worked wonders. I felt spoiled, which made me feel more positive, I felt empowered, I slowered my pace, composed my thoughts, I mean - wonders. Plus, I read some interesting articles, so - a double win!

#7 Romance

When we run as fast as we do, it's sometimes easy to forget to date. And I mean - take your long time boyfriend out for a date. Or organise something special for the two of you. For us, a couple of days at a summerhouse by the seaside with a fire place, wine and music is just what the doctor ordered. The movie usually ends, when the couple kisses and confesses their love, but it's up to you to keep filming.

#8 Shopping

This is somewhat of a sensitive topic to me, because I have a lot of guilt associated with spending money, combined with a great "greed" towards qualitative, reliable, pretty or downright immature cute items. I srive to master the balance. Rememeber my skincare post? I mentioned, that I miss a face mask and an eye cream. Not any more! I picked up the Tangle Teezer on a whim after hearing so much about it on youtube and suddenly coming accross it at the high-end mall I went to for the Bobbi Brown counter. Point is, things like these makes me happy as long as I am very selective and don't go all crazy.

#9 Treat yourself

When you do buy something, next step is testing! Would you believe if I told you, that I have never ever had a face mask done before? Might explain the huge smile on my face, I suppose! My skin's been acting up a bit, I have heard a lot of good things about this product and the brand itself and last, but not least - Matas was doing a sale, so I tried it. I really loved, how it felt and I look forward to experience... clear improvements :) What I am wanting to try is putting the mask on before I hit the sauna at my gym after a workout. Sounds like perfection to me!

#10 Getting healthy freebies on the street

Random? Yes. Pleasant? You bet! Last week, while rushing to my Danish class I was handed a plastic bag with additions to Arla's new Protein range and my life was made easier (and more dellicious) that day. Gotta love some good old promotion.

#11 Making somebody happy will make you happy

I know a little girl. Fact is, she's my favorite little girl. She just turned 5. And I made her a present. I made a book. It was fairytales and pictures, that I drew myself, it has a good amount of pink and glitter and there are plenty of pages for her to add to. Making it was quite the task and I enjoyed every second of it. She took it to bed :)

#12 Simple makeup

I was late to the whole make-up party, to be honest. Then, when I arrived, it exploded in my face and quite literally took a couple of years to get a hang of. I've worn no make-up a lot and I've worn too much often. Recently I've been determined to figure out the way to apply just the right amount. I'll tell you, when I get there.

#13 Laugh

Can I just...? I don't know, if it's really inappropriate to say, but I give myself a good laugh at least once a day. Yes, you read that right - I give it to myself. Because not a single day goes by without me tripping (on my feet or on my words), embarrassing myself (and those around me), saying something, doing something, looking silly, messing up. If that went away, I'd miss it.

#14 Piece of home 

I love carrying little things around, that remind me of where I come from, that are simple, true to who I am and something I am proud to carry. I didn't always know, how much that means to me. This watch for example was given to me by my boyfriend, the first time he visited Latvia with me. He thought I should have it. As per usual, he was right. Do NOT tell him I said that.

#15 A new beginning

We spent a good amount of February looking for a place. We saw the good, the bad and the expensive ugly. It was fun, stressful, exciting, discouraging sometimes, but a very special experience and a bonding one for any couple, in my opinion. The fact we found something we could both see ourselves living in, coming home to, being happy, could afford and could get our hands on, was really, really nice. For some of you this might not be a big deal. I grew up in one house only and never moved until Denmark, where I lived in a dormitory, then moved into my boyfriend's apartment and have never actually went to see a potential place, let alone with another human being. So it was one of life's milestones for me! I'll let you in on a secret - this is not the place we got. The view, though!

Have a great weekend!


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