Monday, October 14, 2013

Motivational Monday

Hey, guys!

Long time, no see :) Thank you so, so much for the lovely feedback on my last post, it meant a lot to me and made me smile, reading your lovely comments!

This past week has. been. crazy. Subsequently, I'm sick with cold now, which is so typical, but I'm pretty sure I can get over it since I'm already almost good again.

I was working my a$$ off and on top of that tried to workout and exercise, because I've really found it helps, when I'm busy and stressed. Since I've moved towns I (physically) need to speak with my loved ones back home and then, obviously, cook etc., so it's been hectic.

I did what I could to relax during the weekend, no social media, just seeing friends, exercising a couple of times, watching a show (or two) etc., but yesterday I simply broke down, because I'm a cry baby (surprisingly as older as I get, the more sensitive, I have noticed - I'd like to think of it as being more in tune with my emotions) 

I did the most stereotypical mature thing I could have done:

Me (casually): Hey, what are you doing?
Mom: Hey, sweetie, nice to hear from you! We are just watching some TV with dad. What's up?
Me (histerically crying): Moooooooooooooooooooom

Haha! Yep! So, she logged on skype and we talked about everything and they listened and they made me laugh and brought me back up. I wasn't even planning to tell her anything negative, I just wanted to hear her voice. But who am I kidding - deep down I knew exactly what I needed to keep going and woke up this morning feeling determined to tackle life again.
This is not my photo! Source - tumblr
This is my computer's background photo this week. Let me explain why. Truth is, I challenge myself, I push myself and I get scared. I get insecure and start to doubt myself and don't know if after a long day at work I need a late boxing class or an early bed time. I don't know if I'm doing the right thing the right way and if I'm being okay. Is it okay being me. But most importantly, is it okay with other people - meaning, if I treat them fairly, with respect and consideration, because that can sometimes be a challenge, when you're trying to figure out something personal yourself.

But I keep learning. And I keep trying. And I keep getting better and being smarter and take these twists and turns and I'm so, so thankful for the loving, supportive and patient people I have in my life. I couldn't do it without them. So, my goal for the week isn't to exercise a certain amout of times or dress up a certain amount of outfits, I want to spend this week working hard and being positive! I want to show the people I care about so much, that their support is working and its helping me reach my dreams, no matter the doubts I sometimes struggle with.
Not my photo
My goal is not to be happy all the time. To be perfect. To be a star. My goal is to be the best I can be from day to day this week. Have a great start of the week everyone! 
 I really have a lot of great posts lined up, but they're going to have to wait, because my hands are quite full at the moment and I, as always, want to put out quality posts, no matter if it's "get ready with me" or "my current favorites" - I want to have the time to take good photos, describe them, link the products etc., so, please, bear with me, I'm still going to blog as soon as things settle a little bit.

Talk to you soon!

Wondering, what are all of you up to these days?

Renate ❤


  1. i do the same thing - had a cry to my mum already this week! xx

    1. Haha, that cracked me up :D Sweet :) Thanks!

  2. love the quote! Would you like to follow each other? Just let me know where you're following and I'll follow right back! xo

  3. nice post, we love it! you're doing great
    take a look at our blog?so we can follow

  4. Aww, those sweet mommies, always able to put back a smile on our face :)
    I just wanted to let you know that I've nominated you for a Sunshine Award because your blog is absolutely amazing, Renate!

    Sofie x

    1. Thanks so much Sofie! I love doing these award posts - so much fun! And getting involved in the community despite the fact I've been away for a while now - thanks for remembering me, sweetie :)

  5. You are so cute!
    And I just wanted to say...I love your blog. Keep doing what you're doing..because it shows that you are beautiful..inside and out.

    Love from Canada

    1. Thank you so, so much from the bottom of my heart, your lovely comment totally warmed my heart :)
